Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Calling All Engines! ☁☁☁☁☁

Pros: The songs, the story, the educational factor, lots of Diesels, return of Diesel 10 & Lady.
Cons: Racism against Diesels, asking children to help Thomas trick Diesel.

Summertime is always beautiful on the Island of Sodor.

The film starts off with all the engines being busy. The engines are showing visitors all the splendid sites. James shows them the seaside. Emily shows them the windmill. Thomas shows them the Sodor Suspension Bridge, one of the vacationers’ favorite sites. Each night when the work is done, the engines go to their sheds. Most of the Steam Team sleeps at Tidmouth Sheds.

One morning Sir Topham Hatt came to Tidmouth Sheds to tell the engines that Sodor was building an airport so more visitors could visit.

Cue up the “Busy” music video. Great song!
We’re busy, so busy,
Our wheels don't touch the ground,
Dizzy we're dizzy,
With rushing round and round,
It's pulling this and shunting that,
No Sir, Yes Sir Topham Hatt,
We'll go here and there and back,
We're busy, busy, busy.

We’re busy so busy,
Preparing all the sights,
The Windmill, the Seaside,
Just two of our delights,
We might be here, we might be there,
not a second we can spare,
Now that summer's in the air,
We're busy, busy, busy.

Every night it's time to take a rest,
At Tidmouth Sheds,
The place we love the best,
Our boilers cool, all is peace but then,
Its rise and shine, look at the time,
'cause off we go again

We’re busy so busy,
So many things to do,
Huffing and puffing,
It's work the whole day through,
Pick up workmen from the Docks,
'Where's that toolkit?'
'Where's that box?'
Just keep working round the clock,
We're busy, busy, busy.

We take supplies, way up in the hills,
To Sodor Bridge, a very special thrill
The air's so cool.
Look at the view but then,
The whistle blows, it’s time to go
So here we go again!

We’re busy so busy,
Our wheels don't touch the ground,
Dizzy we're dizzy,
With rushing round and round,
It's pulling this and shunting that,
No Sir, Yes Sir Topham Hatt,
We'll go here and there and back,
We're busy, busy,
Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy!

We’re busy so busy,
Preparing all the sights,
The Windmill, the Seaside,
Just two of our delights,
We might be here, we might be there,
Not a second we can spare,
Now that summer's in the air,

We're busy, busy, busy
Busy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
Wishy wizzy, izzy dizzy
Busy, busy, busy

Thomas and Percy show up at the airport carrying bricks and timbers. Thomas and Percy stop in the middle of the railway and talk.

RACISM ALERT: What the deleted scenes show is that Percy and Thomas were working with ‘Arry and Bert. Percy said that he does not like Diesels, which makes the Diesels cross.

‘Arry and Bert are shunting supplies and accidentally run in to Thomas and Percy who were illegally stopped in the middle of the railway. ‘Arry and Bert are upset that the Steamies were stopped where they should not be, slowing down the work again. Thomas and Percy say they do not like Diesels because they are ‘very different’ than Steamies!

Cue up the educational segment on the technical differences between Steamies and Diesels. Great stuff!
Thomas arrived to be loaded with building supplies and ‘Arry and Bert were getting ready to be loaded. They told Thomas that they had an important job. Thomas was cross that Diesels had an important job, so he thought up a very naughty idea.

He decided to crash into ‘Arry and Bert’s cars just before their supplies were about to loaded in to their cars. The supplies landed all over the train tracks. This caused ‘Arry and Bert to be delayed and not get their now supplies to their very important job.

Thomas laughed, saying they would be late and he left away. Thomas and Percy went and made messes at the yard. Diesel told them that they have made big trouble for ‘Arry and Bert, but that they better not cause trouble for him since he had a very important job to do.

Diesel backed up to be loaded with building supplies. Thomas decided to play a trick on Diesel and cause more trouble.

Cue up the educational segment on how to play a trick on Diesel. There are cars of timber and cars of bricks, but Thomas gives Diesel the cars of bananas instead.

Thomas and Percy went to the Smelting Yard of the Ironworks to collect steel girders. There they saw Diesel 10 being a Very Useful Engine. They watched him work and thought Diesel 10 looked very scary, so they once again avoided work and raced away until evening, when they went home to Tidmouth Sheds.

When they pulled up they saw the bridge was not painted, the airport was not completed, and Tidmouth Sheds were in disrepair. Diesel told Thomas that rebuilding Tidmouth Sheds was the important job that he, ‘Arry and Bert had today, which Thomas prevented them from completing. Sir Topham Hatt told Thomas that bananas were no good for building.

The Steamies were cross with the Diesels, thinking that they had destroyed the home of the “Steam Team”, but Thomas was sad, knowing it was his entire fault, although he did not admit it to any of the other Steamies and let them errantly remain angry with the Diesels.

The Steamies had to sleep in differing places. James had to sleep at the coaling plant. Edward had to stay at the Quarry with Diesel. Percy & Henry had to stay at the Smelter’s Yard. Gordon had to sleep under a tent. Toby was at his personal shed made just for him. Thomas felt bad that many jobs were not finished because of him. He slept at Knapford Sheds with Emily. Thomas promised Emily he would fix everything tomorrow.

That night a hurricane hit Sodor. It tore down trees; it ripped off roofs, flattened fences, and destroyed the Sodor Suspension Bridge. (2 bridges destroyed in 2 movies!)

Sir Topham Hatt told the engines that everyone will have to work extra hard to get the airport open now. Percy asked if Tidmouth Sheds would be fixed. Hatt replied that only after everything else was fixed, would Tidmouth Sheds me repaired. (After all, it was all Thomas’ fault!)

Cue up the educational segment on which steam engines should be assigned to which jobs. Great stuff!
Thomas arrived at the Sodor Suspension Bridge with the workmen, where Diesel was at, ready to work. He told Thomas he was not talking to him after all the destruction, delays, and devious acts that Thomas was responsible for. Thomas said he was not talking to him either. ‘Arry & Bert were likewise upset with the Steamies. The other Steamies sis not talk to any of the Diesels because they wrongly thought that the Diesels had destroyed their home. Later Thomas came upon Diesel 10 again. Diesel 10 was being a Very Useful Engine, clearing debris from the tracks. Thomas realized that claw was very strong!

That night at Knapford Station, Thomas was talking to Emily, but Emily wanted nothing to do with his talking, once he went to sleep, he started Sleep Whistling, giving Emily no sleep.

Sir Topham Hatt told Thomas that an important part of the bridge needed to be taken from Brendam Docks to the bridge and that Thomas would probably need help. Diesel said he or any Diesel could do the job. Thomas said he was a Steamy, so he could do it by himself, refusing any help from a Diesel and refusing to accept that a Diesel could do his job.

Cue up the “Trying To Do Things Better” music video. Great stuff!
Anything that Diesels do
Steamies know that they can too
Diesels! Steamies! Engines who
Try to do things better
they both have a different role
"We need oil!", "We need coal!"
All of us have just one goal
Trying to do things better! 
Who can shunt the most trucks of bricks
On trains that are much longer
Steamies may get up to tricks
But Diesels are much stronger
Who has gleaming piston rods
and paintwork bright and shiny
Who can pull the longest train
and still keep perfect timing! 
Anything that Diesels do
Steamies know that they can too
Diesels! Steamies! Engines who
Try to do things better
they both have a different role
"We need oil!", "We need coal!"
All of us have just one goal
Trying to do things better!

Who goes bumping into trucks
causing so much trouble
who can lift those heavy loads
and clear the lines of rubble
Who can only honk their horns
while Steamies whistle loudly
Who's that straining up the hill
while Gordon steams by proudly! 
Anything that Diesels do
Steamies know that they can too
Diesels! Steamies! Engines who
Try to do things better
they both have a different role
"We need oil!", "We need coal!"
All of us have just one goal
Trying to do things better!

Who can shunt the most trucks of bricks
On trains that are much longer
Steamies may get up to tricks
But Diesels are much stronger
Who has gleaming piston rods
and paintwork bright and shiny
Who can pull the longest train
and still keep perfect timing! 
Anything that Diesels do
Steamies know that they can too
Diesels! Steamies! Engines who
Try to do things better
they both have a different role
"We need oil!", "We need coal!"
All of us have just one goal
Trying to do things better!
All of us have just one goal
Trying to do things better!
Thomas, after lots of effort, got the heavy load moving at a slow pace.

Cue of the education segment on which path is the best to take with a long, heavy load. Great stuff!

RACISM ALERT: What the deleted scenes show is that ‘Arry and Bert see Thomas stopped, taking a break, and they offer to help, but Thomas refuses, saying he does not need help from a Diesel.

Thomas finally gets to the bridge to cheers. Thomas is exhausted and only wants to rest, but now the heavy load needs to be set in place. Diesel, being much stronger than the tired Steamy offers to help and do it, but Thomas insists on doing it. Thomas barely did it, making the workmen very worried. Thomas was as tired as he had ever been and told Diesel that Steamies were better than Diesels, which made Diesel cross.

Thomas went to go get a load of paint, and Diesel decided to crash in to his load like Thomas had done to ‘Arry and Bert, to show him that Diesels were not inferior. Thomas then went and crashed ‘Arry. ‘Arry crashed in to James. Then the Steamies and Diesels were biffing and bashing each other all over the island until, causing messes everywhere and every engine needed a wash down.

Sir Topham Hatt said the engines had caused Confusion and Delay, making no work get done. The airport will not be finished and the bridge will not get painted. All of the engines were miserable.

That night they all had nightmares about what would happen if no vacationers would come and they could not be Very Useful Engines. Thomas however has a dream about the Misty Mountain track with Lady the Magical Steam Engine and Rusty the Narrow Gauge Diesel Engine. Lady said that they always get their work done when they work together. Thomas was surprised to see Steamies working with Diesels. When he woke up, he knew what he must do. Thomas went and found Mavis, a Diesel Engine.

Cue of the education segment on how to find Mavis by using sound and visual cues. Great stuff!

Thomas told Mavis about his plan, to get the Steamies and Diesels to work together. Mavis agreed that it was the only way to get the airport open in time. Thomas asked how to get the Diesels and Steamies to work together. Mavis said they needed to have a meeting. Thomas decided that they would meet tomorrow at the Steamies’ Coaling plant.

Thomas went and told the Steamies. Mavis went and talked to the Diesels except Diesel 10. Thomas wanted to tell Diesel 10. Thomas watched Diesel 10 being a Very Useful Engine and decided not to tell him, assuming he would never want to work with the weaker Steamies anyway.

Thomas was too tired to go to Emily’s shed and slept in a siding with his lantern on. Emily found she actually missed Thomas.

The next morning all of the engines met at the coaling plant, except Thomas, who was late. The coaling plant was very busy, so the manager was wondering why all the engines were there. He called Sir Topham Hatt who departed for the Coaling Plant.

The Diesels were cross that Thomas, who called them together, was so late, especially since he caused all the confusion and delay in the first place.

Thomas finally arrived and said that the Steamies and Diesels had to work together. He said if the airport does not open, it would be bad for both Steamies and Diesels.

Sir Topham Hatt arrived in Harold the Helicopter, asking why they were all there. Thomas shared his plan with Hatt, who was pleased.

Cue of the education segment on which Steam engine should work with what Diesel engine based on size, strength, design, and role. Great stuff!

The Diesels and Steamies paired up to do their important jobs. Soon the airport was completed, but there was still one more job to do. Thomas did it himself, shunting supplies to the airport. While Thomas claimed he was being careful, the supplies derailed, knocking the water tower over, cracking the runway and blocking the train tracks. Luckily no one was hurt.

Unless it could be fixed, the airplane on the way would have to go back. The Diesels were cross. They had put up with stinky Steamies all day and then Thomas ruined everything.

The foreman said that he needed George the Steamroller to finish fixing the runway. Thomas whined that the tracks were blocked and that George was too slow to get to the airport on his own. The airport manager called for Harvey to clear the tracks, but Harvey the Crane Steam Engine was too far away and too slow to get there in time.
Thomas suddenly had an idea and puffed away. He was sure that Diesel 10 could clear the track. Diesel 10 was clearing the track elsewhere. Thomas asked Diesel 10 to help. Diesel 10 smiled and asked why he would help a Steamy. Diesel 10 said he would help after encouragement by Thomas that he would be the most useful engine.

The Diesels thought Thomas had run away after realizing he caused all the problems recently. Soon Thomas arrived with Diesel 10. Percy exclaimed that Diesel 10 was not as scary as Thomas had thought.

The Diesels were surprised to see Thomas and Diesel 10 working together. A smiling Diesel 10 was a Very Useful Engine and cleaned up the mess in record time. Percy suggested all the Diesels and Steamies work together so that the airplane might still land.

As soon as the tracks were cleared, Thomas went and got George the Steamroller. George smoothed the runway. Harold the helicopter landed. Sir Topham Hatt declared the airplane would land soon.

Thomas stated that working with Diesels was not so bad after all. Diesel replied that working with Steamies was not bad either. They all knew that while they are different, they all love to be Very Useful Engines.

Cue the “Together We Made It” music video. Great stuff!
Climb aboard, the train's departing
Our airport's built... the visitors here
The sights of Sodor all are waiting
Sit back and we'll take you there
Through the wind and rain we trundled
So we did our jobs on time
Though we're tired, we never grumbled
Soon we knew the sun must shine.

Together we made it happen
Together we saw it through
That's why we'll pull together
Whenever there's work to do
We've mended the sights of Sodor
and everyone's come to see
We ended the work we started
and that's how it's meant to be.
Up the hills we're cheerfully chuffing
There's so many sights to see
Through the tunnels, happily puffing
So many places we could be
As we steam across out island
People come from everywhere
Just to see the bridge of Sodor
Hanging proudly in the air!

Together we made it happen
Together we saw it through
That's why we'll pull together
Whenever there's work to do
Thomas has seen the answer
It came to him in a dream
From now on we've all decided
Together we'll stay a team.
One is strong but two are stronger
So put your differences aside
One works long but two work longer
We didn't know until we tried!

Together we made it happen
Together we saw it through
That's why we'll pull together
Whenever there's work to do
Thomas has seen the answer
It came to him in a dream
From now on we've all decided
Together we'll stay a team!
That evening the engines met with Sir Topham Hatt at Tidmouth Sheds, which they were surprised to see were rebuilt and better than ever. Emily was sad. She was going to miss Thomas. Percy noticed there were now 7 berths at Tidmouth Sheds. Hatt declared that this was for Emily. All night the Steam Team talked about Steamies, Diesels, and Airplanes.

Cue the “Engine Roll Call: Calling All Engines Version” music video. Great stuff!
They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight,
Shunting trucks and hauling freight.
Red and green and brown and blue,
They're the Really Useful crew.
All with different roles to play
'round Tidmouth Sheds or far away,
Down the hills and round the bends,
Thomas and his friends.

All the engines are on hand,
Waiting for a plane to land.
Be they diesels, be they steam,
All keep working as a team.
Emily will now go to bed
With all the rest at Tidmouth Sheds.
And no one can remember when
Steamies worked with Diesel 10.

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight,
Shunting trucks and hauling freight.
Red and green and brown and blue,
They're the Really Useful Crew.
All with different roles to play
'round Tidmouth Sheds or far away,
Down the hills and round the bends,
Thomas and his friends.
The end.

Click the following links to buy the currently out of print BOOK and  DVD.

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